Manifest Money Now! 500 + Power Affirmations ➤ Theta Binaural

2017-10-25 2

Manifest MONEY NOW is a POWERFUL guided meditation for you who are SERIOUS about wanting to EFFORTLESSLY manifest MONEY NOW, by alligning your body, mind and soul. Make new nevrological patterns that supports money manifestation and abundance. Also use as visual video. \r
This track uses Theta binaural beats, which makes our subconscious mind open and ready to re-program in the most positive way. \r
This will also help you to let go of your old limiting energies and beliefs around money. Created by Kenneth Soares from PowerThoughts Meditation Club who is a professional hypnotherapist and NLP trainer. He will guide you through this with hypnotic language combined with powerful affirmations that will supercharge your manifesting energies and make you a MAGNET to GENIUS IDEAS and OPPORTUNITIES that will manifest money NOW.\r
Are you ready to sow the seeds of wealth and abundance in your mind, body and spirit? Are you ready to harvest the results? Maybe you´re curious to now just how much positive results this meditation will give you when you listen to it over time. \r
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From The Heart,\r