Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming: 5 Key Aspects

2017-10-24 4

Dr. Manishika Jain in this lectures explains the causes (natural and anthropogenic) and imps of Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming. \r
Greenhouse Effect\r
Emission & radiation within infrared range\r
1st disc. by Joseph Fourier in 1824\r
1st experimented by John Tyndall in 1858\r
1st reported quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896\r
Global-Warming Potential (GWP)\r
Relative measure of heat being trapped by GHGs in atmosphere\r
Compares total heat trapped by certain mass of gas to total amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of CO2\r
Causes of Global Warming\r
Rise of GHG\r
Population explosion\r
Change in agricultural methods \r
Volcanic Activities\r
Wobbly Earth\r
Rise of Temperature\r
Rise of Sea level\r
Storms and floods\r
Melting of ice\r
Increase in Diseases\r
Imp of Ocean\r
Loss of Habitat\r
Cold & warm gulf stream alteration caused by desalination of Atlantic Ocean\r
For NET Paper 1 material refer -

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