My Wife Found My Sexy Phone Pics and Won’t Let It Go

2017-10-24 1

My Wife Found My Sexy Phone Pics and Won’t Let It Go
I asked my daughter why she didn’t let me know about the appointment so I could let her know our dental insurance ended.
You say you felt emotionally abused by your wife even during the affair (a serious complaint); you think
your relationship isn’t healthy, “but it’s what I’ve got” — not exactly a Hallmark sentiment.
You still disapprove of what the person did — you don’t condone the act — but you no longer disapprove of the person.
I don’t think it’s a very healthy relationship, but it’s what I’ve got.
To cover that brief period, I bought health insurance for myself and my children but did not purchase dental insurance.
When my ex-husband sent me the bill for this visit, which came to $400, I asked if
the visit could be postdated by just a day, so I could submit it for insurance.
When I got a new job, it included health and dental insurance, but there was a waiting period for coverage.
I’ve felt emotionally abused by my wife — before, during and after the affair — but I love her.
Early in our marriage I started chatting with a female acquaintance,
and things got verbally sexual and eventually led to sexual pictures between the other woman and me.
But no understanding was reached; I have not paid, as I believe it’s wrong to have
charged me when it was known that I didn’t have company insurance at the time.