Tera Intezaar is an upcoming 2017 Bollywood Musical Romantic Thriller, directed by Raajeev Walia and produced by Aman Mehta & Bijal Mehta of Bageshree Films along with associate producers Ruby Prem Singh, Pankaj Thakkar & Manoj Sanghvi.
Tera Intezaar will release on 24 November 2017
The film stars Arbaaz Khan and Sunny Leone in lead roles along with Sudha Chandran, Salil Ankola, Riecha Sharma, Gowhar Khan, Hanif Noyda, Bhani Singh & Aarya Babbar.
The film is Presented will release on 24 November 2017
Music on T-Series
Singers : Shreya Ghoshal
Armaan Malik
Kanika Kapoor
Swati Sharma
Yasser Desai
Payal Dev
Lyrics: Shabbir Ahmed
Music Director: Raaj Ashoo
Executive Producers: Hanif Noyda, Hanif Chatriwala & Mehul Nakar
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