PT Instrument Transformers- What is CT and PT ratio - Earth Bondhon

2017-10-22 6

What is the use of CT and PT?
While a potential transformer(PT) used to reduce the voltage to lower values and to provide isolation between high voltage power network and the relays and the other instruments that are connected to their secondaries. CT is used for current measurement and PT is used for voltage measurement.

What is CT and PT ratio?
Generally, current transformers are expressed in their primary to secondary current ratio. A 100:5 CT would mean the secondary current of 5 amperes when primary current is 100 amperes. The secondary current rating is generally 5 amperes or 1 ampere, which is compatible with standard measuring instruments.

What is the instrument transformers?
Instrument transformers are high accuracy class electrical devices used to isolate or transform voltage or current levels. ... The primary winding of the transformer is connected to the high voltage or high current circuit, and the meter or relay is connected to the secondary circuit.

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#Electrical elements are conceptual abstractions representing idealized electrical components, such as #Electricity # Resistance # Capacitor #Diodes #LED #photodiode # Rectifier #zenerdiode #SPST #SPDT #Relay #Transformer #inductors #Diac #Switches #Batteries #Breadboard #Mosfet #Logicgate #AND #OR #NOT #NAND #NOR #EX-OR #Series-Circuit #parallel-Circuit #Touch-switch #BJT #FET #LDR #VDR & #Transistors etc.
electrical components, such as #3PhaseInduction-Motor #SubStation #AC-Motors #AutoTransformers #CTInstrumentTransformers # PTInstrumentTransformers #Dcmotor #DCGenerator #ELCB #MCB #no-loadcurrenttransformer #PowerFactor #PowerTransformer #synchronousmotor #CurrentTransformer & #PLC etc
used in the analysis of electrical #networks by #Engineer.jonyislam ( #Jonyislam )
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