Peppa Pig Finger Family Song: \r
FREE ABCsoft English Alphabet on windows phone (link below). \r
ABC English alphabet - one of applications of 4 groups ABCsoft alphabet with beautiful design, native English accent, funny effects, especially for free. Nevertheless, in accordance with the learning through play, we believe that your baby will learn very quickly, without academic pressure. With minimalist design, the baby fully play the game itself, the parents can be sure to make another appointment. Features: - Learn to read the names of letters - Learn to read the sounds of letters - Learning to write uppercase and lowercase letters - Test the game to know how the child remembered the letter.\r
ABC English Alphabet:\r
URL for Windows 10 \r
URL for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier \r
ABCsoft Russian Alphabet :\r
URL for Windows 10 \r
URL for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier \r
ABC Italian Alphabet :\r
URL for Windows 10 \r
URL for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier \r
ABCsoft Smart Kids Math 1 :\r
URL for Windows 10 \r
URL for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier \r
ABCsoft Vietnamese Alphabet:\r
URL for Windows 10 \r
URL for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier