Chest Tubes Nursing Care Management Assessment NCLEX Review Drainage System

2017-10-21 135

Chest tubes nursing care video on the nursing management and assessment of chest tubes of the drainage system. This NCLEX chest tube review will cover the purpose of chest tubes, reasons for chest tube insertion, types of chest tubes (wet suction chest tube and dry suction chest tube), nursing management, complications, and chest tube removal. I will discuss the drainage system in depth regarding the drainage collection chamber, water seal chamber, and suction control chamber. In addition, I will cover how to monitor for an air leak in the chest tube, explain the water seal fluctuation when the patients breathes in and out, when water bubbling is normal versus not normal, and how to tell if a chest tube drainage system is a wet suction or dry suction system. I will also discuss what to do if a chest tube becomes dislodged, if the system breaks, and the nursing care for chest tube removal. Dont forget to check out my other NCLEX review videos.\r
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