Miraculous escape after bridge collapses breaks in two

2017-10-21 15

A bridge collapsed and snapped into two pieces on Thursday near Chamba town in Himachal Pradesh, India.

A car, a truck and a motorcycle, which were passing over the bridge, had a miraculous escape.

The motorcycle fell into the Ravi river, while the car and the mini truck managed to stay on the bridge.

The car driver slammed the brakes and stopped the vehicle. But the truck slided down the steep slope of the fallen structure and came to a halt after hitting the broken pieces at the bottom.

Officials said six people were injured in the incident.

District Collector Sudesh Kumar Mokhta said poor design and low quality of construction materials may have caused the mishap.

“We have ordered an inquiry and action will be taken,” he told news agency ANI.

The bridge was built in 2003 to link Chamba to Pathankote in Punjab at a cost of 150 million US dollars.