Los Angeles police to test drones amid privacy concerns

2017-10-20 8

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Police Commission has voted in favor of allowing the LAPD to use drones in a year-long pilot program, the Los Angeles Times reported.

This will make the LAPD the largest US police force to use the robotic aerial drones.

Only SWAT team members in high-risk situations will be able to fly the drones.

They will be deployed for aerial searches and gathering intelligence in tense situations.

The drones will also be used in search and rescue missions. Every flight needs to be approved, documented and reviewed, according to Engadget. The Police Commission will receive quarterly reports that will be made public, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Weapons and facial-recognition technology are prohibited.

LAPD officials have attempted to address privacy concerns by saying the restrictions in place along with strong oversight would be sufficient, although many critics still remain wary.

The commission will evaluate the performance of the pilot program after a year in order to decide whether to continue or not.