Its that crazy time of the year when 2017 predictions begin and our copies of Nostradamus prophecies are dusted off. Predictions for 2017 are already promising to some real humdingers, with some claiming that Nostradamus predicted the outcome of the 2016 election… never mind a Donald Trump assassination. As always, World War 3 is on the horizon with these types of prophecies, but in this case, some believe Trump may be the “trumpet” that sounds in the Bibles Antichrist and the end times of Revelation.\r
This past year has not been a good time for end of the world predictions (but when have they ever been good?). Vladimir Putin may have rattled his sabers a few more times in 2016, but in general, the previous Nostradamus predictions for 2016 have failed to come to pass although, but we still have a little over a month to go.\r
This is not to say that 2016 did not get off scot-free. Pope Francis fears the possibility of World War 3, with the Catholic leader going so far as to claim WW3 has already started. The Pope believes the many conflicts around the globe amount to “a kind of third world war being fought piecemeal and, in the context of global communications, we sense an atmosphere of war.” Now, come January, we can safely make a 2017 prediction that Trumps small hands will be in reach of that big, shiny-red button.\r
Does Nostradamus Mention Donald Trumps Name?\r
Anyone who knows Nostradamus prophecies also knows they can be applied to many situations since they are often vaguely depicted and the quatrains were not written in a linear time sequence. In this case, those who are tying Nostradamus 2017 predictions to the 2016 elections did so solely on the basis that Trump could be “the trumpet” thats referenced in multiple quatrains.\r
Critics of this viewpoint point out that Nostradamus writings were a combination of 16th century French and several other languages. These unbelievers claim similarities between Trump and trumpet are limited to the English language, while the modern French word for trumpet is “trompette” and the Old French reads as “Par grand discord la terre tremblera.” Not so fast, claims the Nostradamus brigade. The etymology of the word “trump” is based on the Middle English “trompe” and the Old High German “trumpa,” both of which were used in the 13th century to refer to either a trumpet or a sound. (Anti-Trump protesters will be delighted to know that the word trump was once used to denote “fabricate, devise, deceive, cheat”.)\r
The second issue issue is that these quatrains have been used in reference to other events of the past, so tying them to 2017 predictions and Trump would seem to go against more established interpretations. But, seeing as this would not make a very interesting article if we ended it like that, lets examine the quatrains which are claimed to reference Trump.\r
The Donald Trump Assassination Conspiracy Theory And World War 3\r
The first thing to note is that if these quatrains are indeed related to Trump, then some intrepid Nostradamus fans successfully predicted during the summer that Trump would win the 2016 election. Kudos to them. Their 2016 prediction method was better than Nate Silver and Five Thirty Eight.\r
Where does the Donald Trump assassination come into the picture you may wonder? Some like John Hogue claim that Nostradamus predicted three antichrists, with two being from the past (Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler), and the third being known by the codename “Mabus.” As already noted, in making predictions for 2017, its become popular for some to claim Trump is this third antichrist. If President-elect Trump is said to be Mabus, then President-elect Trump would then be assassinated, and that event would supposedly plunge the U.S. into World War 3.\r
“Nostradamus gave the Third Antichrist the following code name. Hes Mabus. A number of notorious contemporary figures, still living or recently dead from the Middle East can see their names spelled in the Mabus code,” wrote Hogue.\r
“But there also are other leaders from the West, deeply entangled in Middle Eastern turmoil, a current US president and a charismatic candidate who could be his successor whose names also easily decode out of Mabus, making the search for the right candidate the most provocative and topical challenge presented by Nostradamus for our present times. Though his true name is occulted, the Third Antichrists destiny is made clear. Unlike the first two, he is the first to die in a war he initiates at the sign of a comet, or a rocket falling out of the skies.”\r
So, yes