DINO EGG HUNT W/ RIDE ON CAR! Giant T-Rex Chase IRL & Surprise Dinosaur Toy Collection Fun Kids Toys

2017-10-19 2

Park Ranger LB is on the run from a GIANT life-size T-Rex thats chasing him! LB has a nightmare that hes being chased by a T-Rex dinosaur, but Park Ranger Aaron wakes him up just in time. Aaron then tells LB about their new Dino park, and reveals a new ride-on ATV they can use to hunt for a golden surprise egg hidden somewhere in the park. Just as LB suits up, he races away on the ride-on car, leaving Aaron in the dust! While theyre searching for the egg surprise, Park Ranger Aaron stumbles upon bees, who attack! Later, as a storm approaches, they look through LBs dinosaur toy collection and use the toys to decide which Dinosaurs to put in their new park. They also find a chocolate surprise and a Pterodyl thats escaped in this funny family video for kids. Who do you think will find the egg, Park Ranger LB or Park Ranger Aaron?\r
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Dinosaurs are called dinosaurio, Dinosaurier, dinosaure and dinosauro. Toys are called juguetes, spielzeug, jouets and giocattoli.