Mickey Mouse best moments Collection cartoon Clubhouse Episodes 8-10 Magical Mirror Starring

2017-10-18 6

One night when Mickey is fast asleep, he falls into a dream where a mischievous ghost traps a dream vision of himself inside a magic mirror Français, Español, English. Stuck in an alternate universe that strangely resembles his own house, Mickey yearns to get back through the mirror to his own house and his own bed in order to wake up from this dreamlike state, however the ghost destroys the mirror and the pieces shrink and fly off to different areas around the house which turns the magic mirror into a normal mirror. The player must direct Mickey to outwit and pull gags in order to get past enemies, obstacles, and the aforementioned ghost and recover the twelve broken mirror pieces he needs to go home again and search for twelve magic stars (needed to pull gags) and items needed to help him throughout his quest. Whenever he finds a piece, it will fly back to the mirror and put itself back in place. After repairing the mirror, he prepares to leave but the ghost stops him revealing that it only brought him here so he can have someone to play with. The player could either chose to stay or go. Choosing to stay will make the ghost run off, leaving Mickey stuck in the alternate world until he reenters the mirror room where the player can choose to stay or leave again. If the player chooses to leave, Mickey says goodbye to the ghost and begins to go home, but the ghost decides to go with him (however, if the player has only collected at least eight mirror pieces, the ghost wont be able to go with him at all). After Mickey wakes up, he goes downstairs to get something to eat. A model of the ghost is shown hanging on the ceiling fan and the ghosts laughter is heard.\r
Disneys Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse, conocido en Japón como Mickey Mouse no Fushigi no Kagami ミッキーマウスの不思議な鏡?, es un videojuego de tipo aventura gráfica desarrollado por Capcom, publicado por Nintendo y distribuido por Disney Interive Studios. Fue lanzado para Nintendo GameCube en agosto de 2002.\r
Il fait nuit et Mickey Mouse dort paisiblement, alors que le miroir de sa chambre scintille de façon étrange. Un petit fantôme en sort et propose à Mickey de le rejoindre de lautre côté de la vitre. Très vite et sans quitter son sommeil, celui-ci sextirpe de son corps, remarque quil dort toujours et comprend quil ne sagit que dun rêve conçu par son inconscient. Il suit donc le Fantôme, car cest son nomm 1, à travers la paroi de verre.\r
Mickey fait alors une longue chute et découvre un manoir imaginaire servant de demeure au Fantôme. Celui-ci décide de jouer un mauvais tour à Mickey et révèle ainsi sa vraie nature : il est présent pour transformer son rêve en cauchemar. Il sensuit un chassé-croisé qui provoque la destruction dun autre miroir magique, plus large, permettant à Mickey de rentrer chez lui.\r
À la suite de cela, les morceaux de la vitre se dispersent dans tout le château et Mickey doit les récupérer un à un dans le but de retourner dans sa chambre. De plus, le Fantôme est bien décidé à lempêcher de sen aller pour pouvoir se moquer de lui tout le temps quil le désire.