Sky to Turn BLOOD RED Across WORLD - Blood Moons in Biblical Prophecy

2017-10-18 1

Did the BIBLE predict that the Sky will turn BLOOD RED across WORLD?\r
THE SKY will turn a deep blood red across the planet as a rare celestial event foretold in the Bible unfolds.\r
Not often NASA and the Church are on the same page but this freak BLOOD MOON seems to have done it!\r
On Saturday evening - just as Passover draws to a close - an eery blood colour will engulf the moon.\r
It is the third of four successive total blood-red lunar eclipses, each followed by six full moons - an extremely rare Tetrad.\r
Experts are predicting that the moon will be fully-obscured for five full minutes - and that the rare phenomenon will be visible across North America, Asia and Australia.\r
According to NASA the incredible alignment has only happened a handful of times in the last two thousand years.\r
The Blood moon phenomenon was predicted in the Bible\r
The King James Bible predicts: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD comes, [Joel 2:31].\r
Pastor John Hagee believes the aligning planets are a bad omen for the Middle East\r
Reaf more here: DAILY EXPRESS\r
NASA | LUNAR ECLIPSES: new - 2020\r
Music credit: Telmo Gama YouTube Channel\r
The Island Soundtrack - My Name Is Lincoln - on Tyros4\r