Give the people what they want! … More magnets and bucky balls with plastic men? Part 3! This time I introduce some oddly satisfying kinetic sand! It’s super fun to play with. The three main ingrediends in this vid: Super strong neodymium magnets (be careful, not toys!), buckyballs and 3d printed plastic men! There may also be a tiny hint of ASMR in here for you. Continuing on with the theme, oddly satisfying magnetic videos are my favourite, especially about magnetic balls. These little balls, also known as neoballs, buckyballs, zen magnets or magnetic spheres, are better than any sort of fidget toy out there. Also keep your eyes out! I just hit 100k subscribers! Thanks so much everyone, I hope you continue to enjoy my content.
These particular ones came in packs of 216, but I wanted to make a mega cube of 1000, so I had to buy 5! These are some surprisingly super strong neodymium magnet cubes, and I’m sure if you pick some up, you’ll be surprised by just how strong they really are! The kinetic sand is also really impressive. It doesn’t stick to you and flows really weirdly, you can’t really describe it until you get some yourself. It’s almost like kinetic sand slime. You can see just how I cut the kinetic sand up, it’s really satisfying.
Comment letting me know what your favourite part of the video was!
Get the magnetic balls here (Omomagnets)
Get the large cube magnet here (Taqton) (and other neo magnets):
Kinetic sand:
The 3D printer I used (For the magnet men):
(Affiliate links)
Playing with 1000 mini magnetic balls! (pt. 3, Kinetic sand, Bucky balls and ASMR!)