Mogadishu rocked by twin car bombs

2017-10-14 2

More than 22 people have been killed in a double car bomb attack in the capital of Somalia.

Several others have been injured in the blasts in Mogadishu, according to police.

Inaa Lilaahi Wainaa ileyhi raajicuun, ugu yaraan 20 Qof ayaa geeriyootay dad intaas kabadan wey dhaawacmeen Qaraxa ka dhacay #Mogadishu— Ismael Mukhtar Omar (@imukhtaar) 14 octobre 2017

Busy areas

The first explosion, in the city’s K5 Junction area which is lined with government offices, hotels and restaurants, destroyed several buildings and set dozens of vehicles on fire.

“It was a car bomb. Two civilians were killed,” said police major Siyad Farah, before adding that a suspect had been caught on suspicion of planting explosives.

About two hours later, a second blast shook the city’s Madina district.

Has anyone admitted staging the attacks?

Not yet. There was no immediate claim of responsibilitiy, although the Islamist al-Shabaab group has carried out regular attacks.

The al Qaeda-allied group is waging an insurgency to topple the weak, UN-backed government and its African Union allies and impose its own strick interpretation of Islam.

They frequently launch gun, grenade and bomb attacks in Mogadishu and other regions controlled by the federal government.

In recent years, the militants have lost most territory under their control to African Union peacekeepers and government troops.

What they are saying

“We know at least 20 civilians are dead while dozens of others are wounded,” – police officer Abdullah Nur.

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