5 Coolest Toys Every Kid Should Have

2017-10-13 2

5 epic toys gadgets that will make your kid smarter\r
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Affiliate disclosure:\r
If you want to buy through some of the links, that have [Amazon affiliate link]next to them, we may earn a commission from Amazon, it wont cost you extra,\r
That will support our videos. \r
5.Cozmo: [Amazon affiliate link]\r
3.Wiggy: [Amazon affiliate link]\r
2.Cell Robot:\r
5.Cozmo: \r
4.AntBo:The Worlds First Toy Robot Designed for Your kid to Learn Robotics and Coding easily \r
3.Wiggy:The Smartest Way to Get Your Kids Saving! \r
wiggy is a new type of toy that teaches your kids how to earn\r
money instantly.the wiggy app,allow parents to create chores and let wiggy tell the child what needs to be done.\r
2.Cell Robot:is the first complete kid toy that come in the form of a robotics kit ,it allows your kid to build their very own robot. CellRobot is bringing accessible robotics and programming to every kid\r
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