Boris Johnson tells EU: How about we 'put a tiger in the tank and complete this Brexit thing!'

2017-10-12 7

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Boris Johnson tells EU: How about we 'put a tiger in the tank and complete this Brexit thing!'
BORIS Johnson has told his partners in Brussels that it's an ideal opportunity to "put a tiger in the tank" and move towards the following period of Brexit talks. Mr Johnson additionally cautioned that England must plan for the possibility that no Brexit arrangement will be come to with the EU.He stated: "The executive has made it, clear that we will get it, we are working for an incredible arrangement, however clearly we should make the correct arrangements as and when it is essential for a no arrangement scenario."Of course that is the dependable activity and that is the thing that we will do." Mr Johnson and Sir Michael Fallon met with their Clean partners, outside priest Witold Waszczykowski and defence minister Antoni Macierewicz, in London to examine ties between the two nations with Brexit issues high on the agenda.Britain's remote secretary likewise declared to the one million Clean individuals living in England that they are welcome to stay in the nation after Brexit.He said: "I need to rehash the key message to the one million Shafts here in our nation: You are digging in for the long haul. You are welcome." 00FastNews. It would be ideal if you Subscribe!

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