Pope Francis recently met with the delegation of the Communion of Reformed Churches which unites 225 Protestant churches and 100 countries representing at least 80 million Christians. The purpose of this meeting was to promote Christian unity and advance the Ecumenical Movement. Should Protestant churches be seeking unity with the Roman Catholic Church and participate in the Ecumenical Movement? \r
The Roman Catholic Church has fundamentally difference prices and beliefs than Protestant Churches; and the doctrine of the Catholic Church states that only those who submit to the Pope can be saved. Whats more, the Pope is a Jesuit; and the reason the Jesuits were invented was to bring the world under the control of the Pope. Watch this video to learn more!\r
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Credits & Sources:\r
Background music entitled Decisions and Killing Time by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\r
Pope meets with global organization of Calvanist Churches: \r
Titles for Mary: \r
Mediatrix of all graces: \r
Roman Catholic Ten Commandments: \r
The Antichrist Speaks: \r
Scripture and Tradition: \r
Pope Francis visits Ottoman era mosque in Istanbul: \r
What Is Wrong With Ecumenical? \r
Pope meets with Swiss Protestant leader: