Great GM : Running A Political Roleplaying Game - Game Master Tips RPG Notes

2017-10-09 5

CONFIDENTIAL: The video you are about to watch is for your eyes only and should after being watched self destruct. Today we explore running a political game which can be used within any tabletop rpg system whether its L5R, Star Wars or Pathfinder. Whether its the whole group of players forming political machinations or supporting one players political platform until well they dont. The best way to grow your political game is to create and build epic non-player charers as politics revolves around machinations, plots and relationships between charers, players and npcs alike.\r
There are lots of tips for creating an epic tabletop politics session however if youre keen on the cliffnotes version here are some quick timestamps.\r
The three most likely and useful political roleplaying game npcs\r
5:52 NPC Ally\r
6:24 NPC Hated\r
7:27 NPC Enemy\r
Wednesday there is a new How To Be A Great GM.\r
I also upload acalled How to Be a Great PC on the channel where all the Roleplaying happens with the Bacon Battalion which you can find here: \r
I use questions and comments from my subscribers to create the campaign that will be played on this channel , so check it out.\r
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