Spoken English Lesson - Talking About Your Free Time and Hobbies in English

2017-10-08 30

What do you like doing in your free time? Do you have any interesting hobbies? Talking about free time is a good way to start a conversation in English, or find things in common when you speak to others in English. \r
By the end of this lesson, youll be able to talk naturally and clearly in English about your free time and hobbies.\r
See the full lesson (with text) here: \r
You can learn:\r
- English vocabulary to talk about hobbies and free time ivities.\r
- How to say what you like or dislike doing.\r
- How to make your speaking more natural and interesting by adding details.\r
- Ways to talk about how often you do these free time ivities.\r
- How to make longer answers when talking about your free time in English.\r
See more of our free English lessons here: