Las Vegas Shooting: At a Loss on Motive, F.B.I. Turns to Billboards for Leads

2017-10-07 4

Las Vegas Shooting: At a Loss on Motive, F.B.I. Turns to Billboards for Leads
LAS VEGAS — Still unable to identify a motive five days after the massacre of 58 concertgoers, local
and federal officials sounded increasingly desperate for leads on Friday, announcing plans to erect billboards with the message, “If you know something, say something.”
“There are still a number of people out there that know
that something looked out of place,” said Undersheriff Kevin McMahill of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
In speeches at Police Memorial park in northwest Las Vegas, friends
and fellow officers recalled calling him Charlie, Coach Chucky or even, occasionally, “Captain America.”
“I know that none of us here really planned on saying goodbye to Charlie so soon,
but I’m glad we get to send him off in our way, not somebody else’s way,” said Steve Grammas, the president of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association.
office in Las Vegas, said billboards would be set up around Las Vegas area, to
“reach as many people as we possibly can,” seeking tips about the gunman.

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