DCS: UH-1H Huey - Destroying a few Helicopters

2017-10-07 1

A little afternoon fun trying to land helicopters in strange places and having some fun with the physics in DCS: World.\r
This game is called Digital Combat Simulator - UH-1H Huey\r
Im running an i7 950 @ 3.5 with 6GB of DDR3 and a GTX 470 video card. \r
For flight controls I use the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS ($450ish), Saitek Pedals ($70ish on ebay) and TrackIR which is used to control the view and costs about $100. If you pick up the sim and need a joystick I recommend starting with a SatiekX52 Pro. You can get them as cheap as $50-60 on ebay.