Biblical Horror Story 1: Jephthah - irresponsible horror

2017-10-06 4

What do you think of when you hear the word 'horror?' What if I said you ought to think of your Bible?

Sure the Bible has some beautiful stories, but it also contains darker stories that trigger fear, shock, & disgust. Let's be brave and search out these stories together.

Jephthah is a strange character in the Bible. In a matter of moments he both experiences God's Spirit and also makes one of the worst decisions of his life. Horror ensues from his irresponsibility.

Redemption Church is a nondenominational Church in Plano Texas. Our mission is to declare the good news and see others become followers of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to be a 1st Century Church connecting to a 21st Century world. To bring the community, the power, passion & dedication of that 1st century church to the fast paced, technologically advanced, and complex world of the 21st century.

We currently meet on Sunday afternoons at 3pm at the Corner of Parker Rd & Alma in Plano Tx. We would love to greet you in person.

Our lead pastor is Chris Fluitt.