Frozen Elsa Cars CRASH in POOL w/ Spiderman Saves Elsa Joker Venom Toilet Prank in Spiderman Cartoon

2017-10-05 16

► Frozen Elsa Cars CRASH in POOL w/ Spiderman Saves Elsa Joker Venom Toilet Prank in Spiderman Cartoon (New)\r
#Elsa is on the way to her beauty house. When she arrives, she stands texting without aware the appearance of #Joker and #Venom near her house. #Joker sneaks in the house and make Elsa sleepy. After that Joker tied #FrozenElsa on the car and take it to high hill with venom. Joker and Venom seems to really enjoy their prank when Elsa is crying for help. #PoliceSpiderman sees all from the other side of the river then he goes to help #Elsa as fast as possible. With one heavy punch, he knocks out #Venom and Joker gets scared and jump off the hill. Joker and Venom swim to the dry land and run for their life. As expected, PoLice Spiderman manages to save Elsa out of the hills edge. To thank for his brave ion, Elsa gives PoLice Spiderman an air kiss to show her love toward PoLice Spiderman.\r
Our #SuperHero goes to Police Spidermans house and #PoLiceSpiderman swims in his pool while Elsa cheering. While #Elsa and Police #Spiderman have fun, Joker and Venom appear outside the house and revenge by shitting on Elsas car. But Joker and Venom get spotted because PoLice Spiderman suddenly goes outside to have a burger and sees #Joker and #Venom. Later on, PoLice Spiderman takes Joker and Venom to the prision. But Joker and #Venom seem still enjoy their poop prank so #Joker and Venom then poop in the prision.\r