This video was intended as a draft for a better video but my original clips corrupted, so this is what we got. Some language erros can be here and there but the meaning is the same - to compare, how one of the greatest 3D-platformers looks like on its different versions. Theres only few not-so-good other comparisons so I decided to make my best. No commentary shit, just pure game footage.\r
Everything is played by me and captured using the Elgato Game Capture HD with original settings (no extra lighting or shading, just the pure picture that comes from consoles to the video capture). The N64-version was used with the expansion pack and high resolution. You can see differences f.g. camera-angels and textures.\r
Copyrights of this great game belongs to Ubisoft.\r
MY PERSONAL OPINIONS, pros and cons.\r
+ superb-graphics for N64\r
+ excellent level design\r
0 kinda lame musics\r
- Rayman, youre going too fast!\r
- needs the Controller Pak for saving\r
+ wonderful graphics\r
+ awesome musics\r
+ 95 % same design like the N64-version\r
+ absolutely greatest controls for a 3D-platformer!\r
0 maybe too dark at some points\r
+ awesome musics\r
+ good appearance for a PS1-game\r
0 ok-controls but little bit sluggish ones\r
0 average or just poor voice ing\r
- many secret areas are cut away and you collect only 800 lums (the others you have 1000)\r
+ semi-open world\r
+ awesome musics\r
+ mostly like the Dreamcast-version\r
+ good controls\r
+ good voice ing\r
0 sometimes problems with a frame-rate\r
0 maybe too bright at some points\r
- bugs and instability\r
Dreamcast has the best version so far. Sure theres also the PC-version but Im focused to consoles. (Ive made reviews for each versions but in Finnish)