Catalonia pioneer assaults Ruler's discourse and demands area IS following majority rule process

2017-10-04 3

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Catalonia pioneer assaults Ruler's discourse and demands area IS following majority rule process
CATALONIA pioneer Carles Puigdemont has said in a deliver to the country that Catalonia is following a "fair process" as he assaulted Lord Felipe's discourse for concurring with the Executive Mariano Rajoy. "The Lord depicts an indistinguishable legislative issues from the Head administrator Rajoy has and they are disastrous, we don't share those policies."He said the Ruler did not say the general population in Catalonia who were casualties to the police brutality. The pioneer blamed the Lord for not going about as a mediator in the crisis.  He stated: "The Ruler has never considered the position of Catalonia and he has chosen to go up against a part that basically bolsters the Spanish government keeping in mind the end goal to anihalate the sovereign yearnings of the Catalan people."He said that the Ruler's discourse "frustrated many individuals in Catalonia".

He stated: "My Legislature will never move far from our responsibility regarding peace, however we require mediation."I am interested in start an intervention procedure, peace, exchange and understanding are a piece of our political culture."We have not had a reaction from the Spanish Government about the choices on the table.""Today, we are nearer than any time in recent memory to our want, we figured out how to have a submission." 00FastNews. It would be ideal if you Subscribe!

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