MBA - What is MBA? What is Mastery? What is Business? What is Administration / Management? When Started MBA Program? What MBA Program Covers in 2 Years?\r
What Kind of Life You Can Expect During MBA 2 Years?\r
MBA stands for Master of Business Administration.\r
M - Mastery.\r
B - Business.\r
A - Administration.\r
- Most Popular course world over.\r
- MBA course was introduced in the late 19th century because of high-level industrialization and need for scientific management. \r
- MBA program Core Courses - designed to introduce students to the various areas of business functions such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations management, etc. \r
- Two options - general business courses / select an area of concentration.\r
- Over the two years of MBA, youll study about various fors (laws, trends, markets, economies) that effect businesses and the running of businesses. \r
- Project Work - To expose to real-life situations in an attempt to understand reality.\r
- There are a number of subjects which simply broaden your perspective about everything.\r
- An MBA is a pretty intense program. \r
- Studying at good MBA institutes ually becomes a pleasure. Meeting deadlines and completing projects becomes enjoyable. Most importantly, you make some excellent friends, and develop as an individual on the whole.