Wildstar Raiding Guide: Experiment X-89 in Genetic Archives (Wildstar 20 Man Experiment X-89 Kill)

2017-10-04 3

A quick guide/tutorial on how my raid group beats Experiment X-89 in the 20 man raid Genetic Archives. Experiment X-89 will most likely be the first boss you do in Genetic Archives and is one of the easiest fights in the raid (some trash and mini bosses are harder). Even though Experiment X-89 is one of the easier bosses I still think a lot of groups are going to wipe on him. The fight is a heavy DPS with mechanics that you have to pay attention to. If someone messes up on a big bomb (Strain Bomb) it will probably be a wipe. Small bombs (Corruption Globule) need to be placed strategically or you wont have enough platforms to kill the boss.\r
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