Plants VS Zombies DS (Extra 05: Mini-Games - Set 3)

2017-10-04 1

This set includes Seeing Stars, Zombiquarium, Portal Combat, and Column Like You See Em.\r
Seeing Stars is simple, just place Starfruit in all of the designated spots. Plant as many sunflowers as you can, and make sure to include the Potato Mine and an attacking plant or two, and it will be smooth sailing. Zombiquarium is really easy, just keep spamming brains and spawning Diver Zombies until you get 1000 sun.\r
Portal Combat is really annoying, because of the layout of the portals. If they move into a position where zombies are jumping from the right side to the left side in the matter of a second, youre in big trouble.\r
Column Like You See Em is pretty infamous for its difficulty. What sucks is that its really circumstantial. If you cant get at least three lanes of Melon-Pults ready before the Gargantuars start showing up, youre screwed no matter what. Because of this, its recommended to restart until you manage to spawn three sets of Melon-Pults as early as possible. The position of everything else is almost irrelevant since Tall Nuts are destroyed by Gargantuars. Really, just focus on getting as many Melon-Pults ready as possible and you should be fine.