Check out this short promo for Adventures In Zambezia, a recent feature film by Triggerfish Animation Studios about a high-spirited falcon on the cusp of adulthood that is bored and lonely living in a remote outpost with only his strict father, Tendai (Samuel L. Jackson), for company. Forbidden from venturing beyond the Katungu Boundary, his suspicions that there must be more to life are confirmed when Gogo, a kooky Stork and her co-pilot, a cute weaver called Tini, crash into his world. \r
From them, Kai learns that downriver is a bustling bird city with exciting opportunities for a talented flier such as himself. In an angry exchange with his father, Kai discovers that Tendai has known all along about Zambezia and has been there himself! Hurt and angry at his fathers betrayal, Kai leaves Katungu and journeys downriver.\r
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