Messages to G8 Leaders from Climate Science & Policy Experts

2008-07-10 47

4/7/08 - UNU Symposium on innovation and climate change held in Tokyo, the UNU Media Studio filmed interviews with some of the world's leading climate science and policy experts including James E. Hansen, Gwyn Prins, David Steven, Alex Evans, Shuzo Nishioka, and Ted Nordhaus. We asked them what they would say to the G8 leaders gathering in Hokkaido next week. This video contains their messages. DR. JAMES E. HANSEN: If I could speak with leaders at the G8 meeting, I would tell them that the strategy of trying to identify a target for reducing CO2 emissions is doomed to failure. You need to look at the basic facts, the basic physics of the problem. The most important thing is for them to recognise the key role of coal, and unless we have a moratorium and phase-out of coal — except where the CO2 is captured — then we're not going to be able to solve the problem.