Best 10 Free Cydia Tweaks for iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak

2017-09-28 1

Another full list of Cydia Tweaks for your iOS 9 PanGu jailbreak!\r
Sources Required:\r
1. App Admin \r
2. Instabetter \r
3. Typestatus 2\r
4. Beep Beep\r
5. Messages Customiser\r
6. KBswipe9\r
7. Mikoto - not fully updated\r
8. Harbor\r
9. JellyLock Unified \r
10. StatusVol X \r
Bonus Tweaks\r
Come and join me in the jailbreak community! Here you can suggest tweaks and themes, inter with me, and cast your opinion in polls. If you have a Google account, you can join! Come and be a part of the journey!\r
Thanks for watching!!\r
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