Therapy Dog Rottweilers Help Guide Blind and Deaf Pekingese

2017-09-28 10

Cheeky is going blind and can only see good at night. Monkey is 100% blind and going deaf. And Cleopatra is blind in one and eye and completely deaf. It is very hard on my mind, body and soul to take care of special needs dogs on my own. Being a single father of 5 rescue dogs is harder than you think. That is where Hank and Brutus training comes in handy. Hank and Brutus are AKC CGC trained therapy dogs. They are also trained guard dogs, so having them help me with the Pekingese is a blessing. They will not only never hurt them, they will help guide, guard and protect them with their lives. Most of the time it is Hank protecting them, but the other day, BIG Brutus Maximus caught wind of a dog harassing lil Cheeky, and his stance and bark was enough to scare a WWE Wrestler into wetting his pants. Anyway, here they are helping me walk them through a field, over a bridge and on a sidewalk. Hope you enjoy :)