T-Rex Found In Jungle. Dinosaurs Are They Still Alive Today?

2017-09-27 1

Living Dinosaurs. Could this be a true living dinosaur caught on camera? Dinosaurs they are still alive today? Or did they die off 65 million years ago?\r
If this photo of a dinosaur is real, then this could be the proof that dinosaurs do indeed still exist and are hiding somewhere in the shadows, only to be discovered.\r
In Paupau new Guinea which is 285k square miles of dense jungle where very few humans have been to or explored.\r
2 fishermen went out one morning before the break of dawn to get an early start on the days fishing for their tribe.\r
The fishermen came across these huge footprints in the bank of the river. Most people would be alarmed, but this is something that the fishermen and villagers see on a daily basis in their jungle. So they just continued to fish.\r
As the sun began to rise and burn off the morning fog, they started to see the outline of something massive lying along the river bank. With each minute passing, more and more was revealed and they soon discovered it was the huge body of a massive beast that had terrorized their village in the past.\r
News spread fast and a team of investigators was formed. And when this team scientists and military made it up to the bank of lake Murray they soon realized what they were looking at was a dinosaur, and not just any dinosaur, but the king of dinosaurs, this was the body of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.\r
Okay just stop it.\r
Out of everything i have seen while doing this channel, giant spiders, snakes, ghosts, demons, and now dinosaurs!!! Does anything ever stay dead or extinct anymore!!! i mean come on!!!!\r
How can I exist in a world like this? I cant handle spiders existing in this world, let alone a damn Dinosaur!!!\r
However if youre enjoying this be sure to click like and subscribe for more.\r
Understandably the team was not just amazed but were also now scared. Because up to this point this monster was something that only was alive and walking around in s and theme parks. But now they realized that we are clearly not on the top of the food chain anymore.\r
The creature was 46 ft long and weighed approximately 7 tons. It was lifted out by a crane and loaded up onto a flat bed and taken to a secret military base.\r
This is footage from the military base gates camera purportedly leaked by an anonymous source.\r
Once the body arrived to the base according the stories the team of scientists set up a lab and examined the dino carcas including dissecting it to find out out everything that they could from this monster, even how it may have died.\r
Ok, now that was a fun and amazing story, but thats all it was. Just a story.\r
This was clearly a hoax being passed off as real.and these pictures and videos are ually a part of a National Geographic Channel documentary from this past June.\r
The realistic beast took hours to create, and was made from fiberglass, latex and silicone rubber.\r
The Scientists involved said that they created this project to further their knowledge on how these animals lived and died. \r
Their main concern being involved in the making of this documentary was to make sure that the science and truth was a solid aspect of it. And that this wouldnt turn into just another fake mockumentary like Animal Planets mermaid show. Or somehow as it has been claimed by some to be real.\r
So even though this was just a documentary done for science. This is way more realistic than the Jurassic Park dinos that we grew up with and probably the most realistic fake animal I have ever seen, inside and out!\r
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