Dover MP: UK does not have 'moral obligation' to help France during migrant crisis

2017-09-27 5

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Dover MP: UK does not have 'moral obligation' to help France during migrant crisis
THE MP for Dover has hit back at French president Francois Hollande after he called on the UK to “play its part” in the ongoing migrant crisis in Calais. Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Charlie Elphicke maintained that the UK does not have a “moral obligation” to help France.The comments come after Hollande vowed to dismantle the Calais Jungle, which is home to up to 10,000 people, and move migrants to various centres across France.“I think what we need to see is the French government actually dismantle the jungle this time,” he said.“They’ve said it before – that they’ll do it – they made a half-hearted attempt and all that happened is even more people came. “What they really need to do is dismantle the jungle, help these people, who are mainly economic migrants back to their home nations and target the people traffickers who are behind this whole problem.”When asked about the possibility of new camps forming after dismantling the Jungle, the MP insisted it was up to the French government to ensure migrants did not “sneak back to Calais”.He went on to say it was France’s job to ensure people are “properly processed and if not they should be repatriated”.Also speaking on the show was the UK’s former ambassador to France Sir Peter Ricketts, who said it was up to the UK to help the French. “I think we have to recognise the French are carrying a big load here, they’ve got a thousand riot police in Calais, effectively protecting the UK border and stopping people that are in Calais being in Mr Elphicke’s constituency in Dover,” he said.“I think it’s very much in our interests to cooperate with the French government and the approach they are taking, which I think is in our interests, that means helping them in the dispersal.“It also I think means taking some more of these humanitarian cases to the UK. I think we have to recognise this is a big, big problem.”However, Elphicke fired back saying he did not accept France’s efforts were “on our behalf”.He added: “You can travel in Europe from Greece to Italy straight through to Calais without a single border.“What France ought to be doing is taking back control of their borders, getting out of Schengen, [and] not blaming us for having a border and a strong border at Dover.”. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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