Let's Play Campaign - Chicago - (911 Operator Game) - Part 3

2017-09-26 2

In this Episode we play the game 911 Operator and continue our journey through the campaign missions as a 911 Operator! We configure all the emergency vehicles and progress them through the town to resolve the emergencies that appear in Chicago!

In 911 Operator Campaign Mode you get some maps and have to conquer a certain amount of Reputation before moving onto the next city map! You have many tries to get it and it's possible that you could get fired! This video is the city: Chicago which is a big population city with over 2Million people! This is Part 3.

In 911 Operator Game we do our best to take incoming Calls and Emergencies and deal with them the best way we can by sending A Police Officer, A Paramedic or a Fire Fighter! In this Video we do our best to conquer The Campaign! and Neighbouring Towns to try and make our Emergency Services the best they can be, With Quick Service!

If you have any Tips on 911 Operator, Please comment them below so i can read them! Thanks

Last Episode: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=UWr17BBrlbo

Check out the other Gameplay Videos in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnmEddzUg75pqFTmTt785Hto17ZnVSPF3

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Hope You Enjoyed This Video And Thanks for Watching!