Human Ken doll detained in Dubai, wants to be Barbie

2017-09-25 3

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES — Human Ken doll Rodrigo Alves had some trouble with Dubai immigration, after his plastic features got called out by the facial recognition software.

The Sun reports that body-obsessed Alves has been on a quest for plastic perfection. Over the years, he's blown half a million dollars to get nipped and tucked more than 50 times.

With so much surgery and so little time, even his official documents can't keep up. So while jet setting to Dubai recently, he got detained for looking nothing like his passport photo.

He had to wait three hours before being let into the country, though apparently that's not the first time it's happened.

Doctors have warned the 34-year-old not to get anything else fixed, but it seems Ken might be holding out for one last bang before he retires.

Claiming he doesn't want to end up a saggy old man, Alves says he'll pull a Caitlyn Jenner and get a sex change in his 50s.

So while his chicken and eggs are the only real part of him left, they need to go because Barbie's comin'.

But really, the more important concern is... what kind of barbie will he be?