Scientists Can Clone Jesus, But Should We?

2017-09-25 2

Every wondered if we could clone Jesus? Check out my video and find out. \r
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Throughout history, the name Jesus has had an imp on many people. The religious leader has inspired people across the world and altered the way they live. Many people devote their entire lives to the name and belief of Jesus, and minimising their own needs and desires to do so. Christians also believe that there will be a Second Coming of Christ, the return of Jesus to planet Earth. They generally believe the anticipated event is predicted in biblical messeaianic prophecies that can be found in the canonical gospels and in most Christian eschatologys. The nature of how Jesus will return to earth varies among Christian denominations and sometimes among individual Christians. But what if it was possible to clone Jesus Christ? To bring him back using modern science, would this be the second coming of Christ?Whether you believe Jesus was just a normal man or the Christian son of god or whether you believe he even existed. There are many relics that are said to of once been apart of Jesus, or came in to cont with him in some way. So if he really existed as the bible depicts, some of the relics could hold the key to bringing the son of god back using DNA that could still be contained within the items. I say could very loosely as the likely hood of ually finding DNA within a 2000 year old relic would be a miracle in its self, as it would almost certainly be worthless for genetic engineering. However some degraded DNA can be scanned for some kinds of molecular information. The shroud of Turin is a supposed relic that wrapped Jesuss body, leaving a print of his features in blood. Although no ual evidence has been found confirming that this was the shroud used, it is potentially possible to us some DNA from the relic to clone the body that was once wrapped with in it. Another potential relic would be Jesuss holy foreskin, this might seem strange but this was the only known piece of flesh to remain on earth after he ascended to heaven according to the bible. But the church was never entirely comfortable with this phallic relic; a symbol of uality and a reminder that Jesus was ually Jewish.The holy foreskin disappeared some 30 years ago as the Churchs officials apparently worried that people might try to clone him through DNA technology that is or will be available within the not to distant future. After all, at some point some billionaire company or government would likely attempt to clone a human, so what would stop them from cloning anybody? Although it would be unethical, experts say it is biologically possible to clone a human being. Since the 1950s scientists have cloned dozens of animal species, including frogs, mice, cats, sheep, pigs and cows. However in each case scientists have encountered problems that needed to be overcome with trial and error, so cloning a human would likely be the same. For instance, cloning an animal requires that the researchers first remove the nucleus of an egg cell. When researchers do this, they also remove proteins that are essential to help cells divide. In mice, this isnt a problem, because the embryo that is ultimately created is able to make these proteins again. But primates arent able to do this, and researchers think it may be one reason that attempts to clone monkeys have failed. The extremely high rate of death, and the risk of developing mental abnormalities from cloning makes cloning people unethical. But at some point in the future. somewhere in the world, someone will be cloned. So if cloning technology becomes available and you have the DNA of a person from the past, You could potentially bring them back. Even if you believe Jesus was just a normal man or the son of the Christian god or whether you believe he existed. Modern technology could potentially bring back the man who has changed so many peoples lives. However Cloning even a normal human being is a very tender subject amongst people and everyone has an opinion on it. So what do think? What would happen if DNA from Jesus was found and used to create a Christ clone? Do you think any creature should be cloned? But What ever your thoughts on the subject are you have to wander what the very first cloned human being would think of its creators. \r
stained glass: Alfred Handel, photograph:Toby Hudson\r
Human cell-line colony being cloned in vitro through use of cloning rings - Bob Walker\r
Vatican City - DAVID ILIFF\r
Embryonic Stem cells - Nissim Benvenisty \r
Virtutes Vocis Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\r
Agnus Dei X Kevin Ma