Most Severe Cases of Birth Defects

2017-09-23 39

These are some of the most terrifying and rare birth defects that people are ually born w/ like growing your twin out of your body\r
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7. Congenital Arhinia\r
You would have a better chance of winning the lottery than being born with this condition, as less than 50 cases of the disorder have ever been recorded. And thats a good thing as this is a disease in which you are born without a nose. An Alabama boy named Timothy Eli Thompson was born with the deformity in new. The baby is doing ok and a fund has been set up online to help him. Facebook ran into some trouble when they tried to remove a picture of Eli from their website saying the photo was too controversial. After protests from pro life groups, the website made a public apology for removing the image. \r
6. Edwards Syndrome\r
This abnormality is caused by the presence of an extra 18th chromosome. It is named after John Hilton Edwards, a British geneticist who first described the disease in 1960. Roughly 80 percent of people diagnosed with the disease are female. The syndrome has a very low rate of survival, only 8 percent of infants survive longer than a year and only 1 percent of children live to the age of 10. Most fetuses with the malady die before birth. The risk of conceiving a child with this disease increases as the womans age increases, the average age of mothers that give birth to children with Edwards Syndrome is 32 and a half.\r
5. Osteogenesis Imperfecta\r
This heartbreaking disease is charerized by bones that break way too easily and often. It occurs in about one of twenty thousand live births. While there is no known cure, surgical corrections such as inserting rods inside the bones have produced effective results. The disorder has a long history: the earliest studies began in 1788 and the condition has even been found in an ancient Egyptian mummy from 1000 B.C. \r
4. Epidermolysis Bullosa\r
Also known as Butterfly Disease, this extremely rare disorder causes blisters in the skin. The skin is so fragile that if it is rubbed even lightly it could cause blisters. This genetic skin disease has no cure. Two documentaries done in the early 2000s brought this disease into the publics consciousness. In the U.S. the documentary My Flesh and Blood was released on HBO in 2003. In 2004 the UK released a documentary called The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off, telling the sad story of Jonny Kennedy, an Englishman who suffered from and ultimately succumbed to the disease.\r
3. Hydrocephalus\r
Cerebrospinal fluid gets collected in the brain and the head swells, causing this lovely disorder which is also referred to as water on the brain. It can cause some very serious mental disorders, and if not treated will ultimately lead to death. Surgery is needed to drain the fluid out of the affected persons head. Though the condition most commonly occurs in infants, adults can also develop the disease. In new September was designated National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month in an effort to direct the publics attention to this deadly disease.\r
2. Ectopia Cordis\r
It is pretty much impossible to imagine your heart being located anywhere other than on the inside of your chest unless you suffer from this frightening malady. Sufferers are born with their heart in an abnormal place, usually it protrudes from their chest, but it can also be located in the abdomen or the neck. The prognosis for ectopia cordis is very poor, most cases result in death shortly after birth due to cardiac failure or infection. Thankfully, the disease has an extremely small chance of happening, for every 1 million births there are 8 cases of the congenital malformation occurring. \r
Being born as a Siamese twin has to be tough, but people and animals affected by Polymelia would probably take having a twin permanently attached to them over what this disease entails. \r
It is a birth defect in which you are born with more than the usual number of limbs. The disorder happens in a lot of cases because the persons embryo started as a conjoined twins but one twin degenerated completely except for whatever extra limbs the surviving twin ends up being born with. The extra limbs are most often not fully developed or functional. A child was born with the disease in new. It had four legs and four arms and attred thousands of religious believers who worshipped the baby as a Hindu God.