How to install goggle analytics word press plugin

2017-09-23 5

Google analytics is a kind of free website tracker . through goggle analytics user can search the visitors of their sites. That how many visitors have visit to their sites. Google analytics analyse that how much traffic is on your website and how many searches are done by the visitors. Goggle analytics build own dashboard where the user can see the data on the daily basis. On inserting google analytics on word press user can see their pages and posts that how many visitors are there on their websites
How does the google analytics work??
Basically google analytics add a piece of code in your website to collect data that how your site is performing. Whenever there is a visitors on your site then they are tracked through the tracking code and a session is formed
Through these data user will able to track the visitors of the site
Page view Through this user can see that how many visitors have seen your page
Traffic source Through this user come to know that from where the visitors have visit to site like social media etc
Bounce rate Through the bounce rate user can measure that how many visitors have visited to your site
Goal Through the goal user is able to see that how many people have completed their work on your site
To install goggle analytics word press plunging user have to follow some basic steps such as
Now user have to ctreate plugin
1 User have to install the word press of their own choice theme
2 Then user have to access their sites file with theh help of file transfer protocol
3 then user have an code editor or an text editor
Now user have to follow some basic process to install goggle analytics wordpress plugins
Now user have to check active themes to ensure thet it include hook
Now user have to create a new file in their plugins holder
User can get the analytic code from the google analytic site
To access user have to add some code with the tracking code to their plugins
Now user can activate the plugins