Erdogan supporters beat up protestors at New York speech

2017-09-22 17

At least three demonstrators were escorted out of New York’s marriott hotel on Thursday evening as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech to the Turkish American National Steering Committee.

Tempers flared at the event after one man stood and began shouting “Terrorist! Terrorist!” at the leader, prompting members of the several hundred strong to start pummeling him as US security officers tried to hustle him to safety.

A periscope video shows Erdogan take to the stage and a protestor can be heard shouting: “You’re a terrorist! Get out of my country!”

“Chef, in den USA gibt’s doch immer Proteste.”
“Ihr macht das schon.”

(Tumulte bei #Erdogan-Event im Marriott NY)— Lars Wienand (@LarsWienand) September 22, 2017

Soon after he was gone, a second man followed suit and was given the same treatment by the angry crowd, who beat him with their fists and Turkish flags.

Similar protests heralded the Turkish president’s last visit to the White House on May 16, when scuffles broke out between protestors in Washington DC leaving nine injured.

A total of 15 of Erdogan’s bodyguards were indicted by a grand jury in the US capital for beating up protestors during the wild brawl.

The indictments charge the defendants with attacking peaceful demonstrators who had gathered outside the home of the Turkish ambassador, awaiting Erdogan’s arrival after he had met with President Donald Trump.