Tony Blair tells US Brexit will be UK's downfall as Miliband orders public to 'push back'

2017-09-21 3

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Tony Blair tells US Brexit will be UK's downfall as Miliband orders public to 'push back'
TONY Blair told an American summit Brexit would leave Britain “diminished”, in another intervention.
“The real solution to the problems of communities left behind, to the problems of cultural alienation is to deal with the actual problem.” The ex-Labour premier also compared Brexit to the election of US President Donald Trump, saying it was fuelled by a “people feeling culturally alienated”. He said: “I think the drivers behind Brexit and the election of Donald Trump were roughly the same. “A large section of people feeling culturally alienated, with society changing in ways they didn’t feel comfortable with, and then economically alienated post-financial crisis, with communities feeling left behind.  “These very powerful forces combined with the extraordinarily powerful medium of social media, which is itself a great revolutionary phenomenon, and it created this great surge of discontent that led to these two results.”Mr Miliband, the brother of former Labour leader Ed Miliband, was also in New York to discuss Brexit and the rise in populism across the world. He said: “There tends to be a narrative in the Western world that we are the victims of other people’s misdemeanours. “You saw that in the Brexit referendum, a narrative of national humiliation ran through the campaign last year.  “I think we have to push back against that very, very strongly. Our successes should be our own making, and our own problems are our own making.”Mr Blair campaigned for Britain to stay in the Brussels club and even suggested Brexit could be stopped with Britons “entitled to try” to thwart the process. So desperate is he to keep Britain inside the European Union, he even admitted Britain’s immigration policy needed to become more strict, after opening the borders himself in the Nineties.. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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