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Bolero (1984) - Clip: "The Most Precious Flower"

2018-01-23 1,380

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Bo Derek stars as a curious American ingénue who is ready to shed the trappings of girlhood and become a woman. Upon graduating from school in Britain, she finds that she hungers for more education – in the art of love! Journeying to Morocco, she meets a handsome sheik who, sadly, falls asleep while seducing her. A hot-blooded matador in Spain does not disappoint, however. Unlocking her deepest desires, her world-class lover gives her a lesson in ecstasy she'll never forget.

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SHOUT! FACTORY has devoted itself to the higher pursuit of pop culture for the past 10 years. During that time, we've released some of TV's most beloved gems, such as Freaks And Geeks, My So-Called Life, Sports Night, MadTV and Mystery Science Theater. We've also reintroduced some of television's most adored personalities with collections featuring Dick Cavett, Tom Snyder, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Mel Brooks, Groucho Marx and Elvira, Mistress of the Night..