Luc Arbogast Incroyable Chanteur médiéval .Moyen Age ! Stella Splendens.

2017-09-21 4

Ancient Times ! Luc Arbogast Will bring you back to the middle ages carried by his amazing medieval countertenor voice.\r
This amazing musician and singer sings in the streets and is now a celebrity in France.Before the renaissance,these old historical times connect us to our roots. Vive le Moyen Age !\r
All videos listed below have been shot by Hurryken Production !\r
Enjoy rock Medieval Music Les Compagnons du Gras jambon !\r
Another medieval band named Aux Couleurs Du Moyen Age !\r
The Tornals Middle ages music using bagpipes \r
Les Ghillies\r
le banquet du roi\r
Pelegrine plays the Middle ages tunes !\r
Ethnomus.A beautiful Medieval band including a Games of Thrones cover\r
Dont forget to subcribe to our channel and visit us on Facebook:\r
Last but not least in a different Musical environment Nicolas Bannwarth with his fingerstyle Guitar\r
that we also shot with three cameras:\r
Proonline music with Yannick Lebossé\r
Château de Sarzay\r
Aux couleurs du moyen age\r
Découvrez les 4 autres albums de Luc Arbogast !\r
2004 : Domus\r
2007 : Hortus Dei\r
new : Aux Portes de Sananda\r
new : Canticum in Terra