Protests in Barcelona after police raid Catalan government buildings

2017-09-20 20

Protests were sparked after Spanish police raided several offices of the Catalan government in Barcelona on Wednesday (September 20) morning.

Josep Maria Jove, Catalonia’s junior economy minister, and a dozen high-ranking officials have been arrested, according to reports.

Spain’s Guarda Civil barged into Catalan governmental headquarters of the economy, interior, foreign affairs, welfare, telecommunications and tax, searching for documents linked to the banned independence referendum, which is set to take place on October 1st.

Madrid considers the vote to be illegal but the pro-independence movement plans to hold the referendum regardless.

The police raids prompted hundreds of protesters to gather outside the regional government’s economy ministry in the centre of Barcelona’s tourist district, chanting “They will not pass” and “We will vote”, a Reuters witness said.

The raids come after police seized a box of election material on Tuesday (September 19).

Guarda Civil’s operation is sparking strong reactions from pro-independence protesters.

Jordi Sanchez, president of the Catalan National Assembly has invited people to take the streets in demonstration.

Ha arribat el moment. Resistim pacíficament. Sortim a defensar des de la no-violència les nostres institucions. Rbla. Catalunya-Gran Via.— Jordi Sànchez (@jordisanchezp) 20 septembre 2017

Cada cop hi ha més gent davant Dep. Economia de Rbla Catalunya. Trànsit de baixada tallat ara mateix. Crits de fora les forces d’ocupació.— Martí Estruch (@MartiEstruch) 20 septembre 2017

A meeting following the operation was held with President of the Catalan regional government Carles Puigdement. Footage shows the head of the Generalitat receiving a standing ovation from bystanders at a government building.

El #president KRLS es dirigeix a la reunió extraordinària de #Govern entre aplaudiments dels treballadors del #Palau de la Generalitat— Govern. Generalitat (govern) 20 septembre 2017