Japans 10 Most Dangerous Demons

2017-09-19 2

These demons are the scariest and strangest demons in Japanese culture. Dont want to face the terrifying wet woman myself yikes!\r
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6 - Katakirauwa, the pig demon, taking on the form of a pig or piglet this yokai is known for its black skin, red eyes and only one ear. This cunning monster casts no shadow and appears only at dusk or night. The Katakirauwa is best known for its speed and deadly accuracy; it uses its keen sense of smell to detect its victims, its most common prey are people walking the streets alone or in pairs. If this yokai runs underneath your legs, it steals your soul, leaving only a shell behind, a soulless zombie forced to wander the streets alone until even this ghost of a person dies. \r
5 - Kasha, roughly translated means Fire Cart but is best known in folklore as The Corpse-Eating Cat Demon. Most classic demonic paintings depict the creatures wielding fiery chariots and long red tongues. Kasha are often said to live among humans as ordinary house cats or strays. When a cat grows old and dies, it can be transformed into a Kasha. Funeral processions and cemeteries are the most likely victims for these yokai. Echoed by a clap of thunder the cat-like monsters are said to appear from the skies, snatching up the corpse of the wicked soul to drag down to the fiery depths of Hell, sometimes eating the dead flesh with ravenous red fangs. In Japan it was once common belief that if a cat jumped over the coffin, the corpse inside the coffin would rise. \r
4 - Gashadokuro, or starving skeleton, these demons are said to be victims of famine reborn as hungry ghosts; when enough of these poor starved souls die they are woven together and reborn as this yokai which takes on the shape of a giant skeleton. These yokai most commonly roam the streets in the darkest hours of the night, cloaked in invisibility their victims only clue will be the loud ringing in their ears and the hustle of bones rattling and teeth chattering before the immense skeleton appears grabbing lone travellers and biting off their heads and drinking up the spilt blood.\r
3 - Jorogumo, better known as the binding bride or spider demon, according to legend when a spider reaches its 400th year it gains malicious magical powers and begins to feed on humans instead of insects. The most well-known of legends speak of the spider demons changing shape into beautiful, seductive women. Jorogumos favourite prey are virile young, handsome men who are looking for love. Once a Jorogumo finds a man she desires, she will invite him into her home; he is often never seen again for spider demons are known to spin threads so strong he can never escape, then she will slowly suck his life force through her long jagged teeth. Other legends tell of Jorogumo releasing powerful venoms from her fangs slowly weakening the man day by day, allowing the spider demon to savour the long, painful death her victim suffers. \r
2 - or Wet Woman is a Japanese monster with the head of a woman usually depicted with long flowing soaked raven black hair and the stretched scaled body of a snake. The female sea monster is most commonly known as being 30 feet long in length with glowing snake-like eyes. The Nure-Onna is sometimes heard laughing or crying and can appear on a sandy shore or the rivers edge, her snake body hidden in the dense folds of dark waters carrying a small child-like bundle. If a human approaches her demonic form and offers to hold the baby, the snake woman will allow it; however, if they attempt to discard the infant wrapped bundle it will reveal that it is merely an illusion of sticks or stones which become increasingly heavy, preventing the victim from fleeing her watery clutches. It is often told that she will then expose her long jagged fangs and forked tongue to suck all of the blood from her victims body or use her talon-like claws to snatch them and drag them into the cold depths below. \r
1 - Oni, or ogres, are born when truly evil human beings die and are reborn as demons transforming them into terrifying deformed monsters. They are most commonly depicted as hideously tall with red or blue skin, flowing wild hair, long fang-like tusks with razored teeth and ravenous claws; they can sometimes be seen wielding iron clubs dripping with blood and flakes of flesh. Oni are said to be terribly cruel and are known to peel off skin, crush bones, eat flesh, tear men limb from limb, and eat human beings whole. Hell is said to be primarily made up of Oni though some linger on Earth to terrorise the deserving living. They are best known as harbingers of disaster, spreaders of disease and punishers of the damned in Hell.

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