Trump Retweets A Mock Video Of Him Knocking Hillary Clinton Down With A Golf Ball

2017-09-18 8

President Trump has retweeted an animated gif involving Hillary Clinton.

President Trump has retweeted an animated gif involving Hillary Clinton. 
The mock clip shows Trump hitting a golf ball which appears to hit Clinton in the back as she boards a plane, knocking her down. 
The person who originally tweeted the gif, captioned with “Donald Trump's amazing golf swing #CrookedHillary,” did so in response to a message the president himself had posted Wednesday.
It read, “The ‘deplorables’ came back to haunt Hillary. They expressed their feelings loud and clear. She spent big money but, in the end, had no game!” 
Just minutes before, Trump had also tweeted, “Crooked Hillary Clinton blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss. She lost the debates and lost her direction!”
His tweets were likely in response to critical comments Clinton made about him in her highly publicized new book, “What Happened” and during her promotional interviews for it. 
In the book, Clinton refers to Trump as a “clear and present danger to the country and the world,” and goes on to say about his presidency, “I sometimes wonder: If you add together his time spent on golf, Twitter and cable news, what’s left?”

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