Human Mobile Stage 117D, 2017 Hungry Ghosts Festival 2017中国鬼节烧街衣Chung Oi Chau Biu Kung Fu Lion Dance

2017-09-18 669

Human Mobile Stage 117D (2碟2膊醒狮表演 117D). According to Chinese traditional, Lunar Calendar seven months of each year is Hungry Ghosts Festival (it is also name as Festival of Middle of the year = Lunar Calendar dated 15 th days of Seventh Months of each year). The Ceremony is from the beginning of the month to the end of the month of each year), the peoples should burned paper money and paper clothing to respect and worship all the spirits of ghosts of homeless and hungry. Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art and sports association (=our association) was burned 3 pieces of Chinese lions to respect of the ancestry of Chung Oi Chau Ka – Such as 5 Founders (Five Blooded Brothers) and elders of Chau Ka Kung Fu. Time: 7th Septemer 2017 (Thursday). Place: Kennedy Town, Hong Kong. Background music: Buddhism Mantra Music – Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama Incantation.

2碟2膊醒狮表演 117D (Human Mobile Stage 117D). 跟据中国传统,每年农历七月第一日至七月最后一日是中国饿鬼节(俗称为中元节-即是每年农历七月十五日, 习俗是要烧街衣),人们会于农历七月份全个月,烧纸金钱和纸衣服来超渡所有无家可归的鬼魂和饿鬼道的饿鬼,中外周彪国术体育会(本会)也跟随习俗,并烧三头醒狮给中外周家五位宗师(五位亲兄弟)及各位周家前辈。时间: 2017年9月7日(星期四), 地点:香港坚尼地城。背景音乐: 佛祖释迦牟尼佛咒 : 灭一切恶趣王咒 (佛教)

Details please refer to Human Mobile Stage Part 1 (Descriptions and comments), length: 5.55 (关于中外周家详细资料请看Human Mobile Stage Part 1 Descriptions and comments. Length: 5.55).