Okoth Osewe: Ten Reasons Why Uhuru Kenyatta is Mad With Justice David Maraga

2017-09-17 10

If you have been a keen observer of Kenyan politics, you may have noticed that the out-going President Uhuru Kenyatta is extremely angry with Kenya’s Chief Justice, David Maraga. Uhuru’s beef is that Justice Maraga was wrong in nullifying his election as President of the Republic of Kenya to serve for a second term.

As he went about pronouncing his anger following the nullification of results, Uhuru Kenyatta has not only used abusive language against Maraga but also threatened to deal with Maraga once he (Uhuru) wins the election and is sworn in as President. Uhuru’s outbursts soon after the historic ruling shocked many Kenyans who saw Uhuru as unprofessional, dishonest and childish.

In 2013, Uhuru came to power through a rigged election and although Raila Odinga, the aggrieved party, took the matter to Court, Justice Willy Mutunga ruled in Uhuru’s favour. At that time, the Supreme Court appeared to have done a good job, at least, in the eyes of Uhuru Kenyatta.

During the 2017 election campaigns, Uhuru repeatedly urged Raila to go to Court in case he feels that the election was not free and fair. This is exactly what Raila did. However, when the Court ruled against Uhuru’s favour, the out-going President went ballistic!

In this video, Okoth Osewe outlines ten key reasons why Uhuru Kenyatta is mad with Justice Maraga. The Court ruling appears to have disrupted Jubilee’s program of swearing in Uhuru to continue with business as usual. Despite the mountain of evidence that led the Supreme Court to rule that Jubilee stole the vote, Uhuru has insisted that he won. He has even been pointing to the Vifaranga (computer generated) leaders as the basis of a majority presence both in the Senate and Parliament.

Be that as it may, Uhuru may be in for fresh surprises because regardless of his public outbursts, Jubilee does not have the numbers to win an election in Kenya and this is why the Party lost. Watch the video and have your say.

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