Abaqus mesh module: basic tutorial

2017-09-15 5

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Video summary/ transcript:
In this video I am gonna talk about mesh module. I will explain how to mesh a part, linear and quadratic mesh elements and what type of mesh elements available in abaqus.
I have a plate, thin hollow cylinder and a solid cube. I will use these parts to demonstrate the process of meshing.
So let’s start with very simple part- plate.
Switch to mesh module.
It’s very simple to create a mesh with default setting.
Go to seed. Click on part. Global seeds windows appears.
Choose some approximate global size. It controls the size of element globally. If you increase it you will have bigger elements. If you decrease it you will have smaller elements and refined mesh. We will see this in a moment.
Leave others as default. Hit apply and click ok.
Go to mesh and click part.
Click yes.
Now mesh has been generated with four noded elements.
Abaqus automatically decides the best suited type of elements for the part. We don’t have to worry about that. Just assign element size and mesh. That’s it.
In some cases you may want to change the default mesh setting. You can do it by going to mesh and then control.
Here you can change the type element. You can choose quad which is four noded element or you can choose tri for 3 noded element. Qud-dominated is default. Let’s change it to tri and hit okay.
Its is asking to delete the previously generated mesh. So delete it.
Then again go to mesh and then part. Then click yes to confirm the mesh changes. See now we have mesh with triangular elements.
One more thing you can control here. Elements can be linear or quadratic. Abaqus has support for it. Basically quadratic elements have more nodes than linear elements. Quadratic are better Finite element analysis results.
So to change linear to quadratict, go to m